Since 2013 CRAFTConnect has helped 100s of families. Let us help you and yours.

Weekly “Parents & Caregivers Only” Group Meetings

Tuesdays 6:00 to 7:30 pm (MT)

How Everyone Benefits

  • Learn to understand and manage unwanted behaviors, not fight against them.

  • Stop the “nagging, pleading and threatening” cycle by giving children more independence and responsibility.

  • Make behavior change feel possible by treating it as a step-by-step process. Encourage making and keeping daily promises.

  • Help children create and follow through on plans to change their behavior.

  • Learn about the needs of children and how caregivers can help meet those needs.

  • Create a partnership between caregivers and children that addresses behavior issues openly and kindly. Talk about warning signs and triggers for unwanted behaviors.

  • Teach children to help themselves by learning practical skills needed to maintain healthy behaviors and have a happy life.

Your family already has strengths! Our training helps you build on them.

“The CRAFTConnect 7-week program gave me a safe, supportive space to learn from other caregivers and experts—ideas I’ve applied at home and have already made a difference in my relationship with my 12 and 16 year old’s, and our whole family.”

“I increased my child’s willingness to listen, our talks don’t turn into fights anymore.”

Sample Session Learning - Increasing Children’s Willingness to Listen

The first communication skill is called P-I-U-S. Positive I Statements with Understanding and Support. There are seven principles to positive “I” communications:

  • Resist the urge to bring up too much. Keep it simple.

  • indicating what you would like to have happen. Avoid blaming, name calling and over generalization

  • and clear. Focus on one thing.

  • Describe the emotional impact on you in a calm, nonjudgmental, non-accusatory way.

  • Try to see if from the other person’s point of view.

  • Share a small piece of the problem situation.

CRAFT Connect is made possible through our network of partners and sponors.