Wellness Education Introduction
CRAFT Connect Wellness Education has been developed to help you incorporate aspects of social and emotional wellness into healthy habits that have a positive impact on daily life. Remembering that wellness is not the absence of illness or stress these materials can help people even as they continue to experience significant life challenges.
You will see the following key words throughout these materials. If you follow these prompts, you will have a better experience. — Think and write quietly. Read out loud. Watch the video. Discuss, share thoughts and ideas. Activity, work individually or together on learning practical exercises and strategies.
Remember CRAFT Connect Education groups work like a council, there is no teacher or expert. Group facilitators do not prepare lessons, lecture the group, or speak more than any other group member. They just follow the materials as written and trust in the group. Facilitators are responsible for creating a positive, respectful, and enjoyable learning environment. They celebrate the progress of group members and help them feel successful. In-between meetings they encourage those who may be struggling.