EW03: Reflection Prompts

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Simple, quick questions that make sense to ask yourself on a regular basis. Think of them as a checklist over time, allowing you to monitor and gauge some of your automated behavior, while reviewing some of your bigger aspirations. They allow us to identify possible pitfalls and make adjustments to keep heading in the right direction.

#16. I really value my relationship with...

#17.  If tomorrow where my last day on earth, what would I do?

#18. What is my biggest inspiration at the moment?

#19. What am I most grateful for this year?

#20.What is my biggest priority?

#21. My perfect day looks like...

#22. What would I like to learn?

#23. Where would I like to travel to on my next holiday?

#24. What currently am I proud of myself for?

#25. The best thing I’ve got going on right now is…

#26. What I need in my life right now is/are...

#27. Right now, I feel ...

#28. The best advice I could give myself at this moment it to...

#29. I really shouldn’t have...

#30. I will never...


EW02:Self-Evaluation Prompts


EW04: The Science Behind Expressive Writing